Welcome to my ID Gallery!
Here you will find examples of my ID work. Some apps and tools included here include assets from:
Know your audience! Great eLearning design isn’t universal.” ~Bianca Woods
Instructional Design
eLearning Project
This video was created in 2020 to describe an eLearning project; specifically, my work in creating and revising an online course, "Speaking with Numbers - The Effective Use of Statistics" that I developed and taught at the University of Virginia. UVA uses a proprietary version of the Sakai LMS along with Blackboard collaborate. |
OLC Capstone Project
This video was created in 2022 as the capstone project for my Instructional Design Mastery Series certification from the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). The project option I chose was an Instructional Design Principles Presentation. It required that I identify the intended audience, state the learning objectives for the lesson, and describe the Instructional design principles being taught. The project also required that I include the teaching item I created in order to teach/share instructional design principles to an audience within my organization. You can also watch the feedback I received from the course facilitator. |
Course Walkthroughs
These two videos are visual walkthroughs (no audio) of resources created in the Moodle LMS (v 3.9) in 2022 and 2023. The first video illustrates a course template I created for the faculty of the Strategic Communication program at Regis College after their program modality changed to fully online. The second video shows a professional development course I developed to provide Faculty Compliance Training on the topics of academic integrity, grade appeals, and student conduct.
These two videos are visual walkthroughs (no audio) of resources created in the Moodle LMS (v 3.9) in 2022 and 2023. The first video illustrates a course template I created for the faculty of the Strategic Communication program at Regis College after their program modality changed to fully online. The second video shows a professional development course I developed to provide Faculty Compliance Training on the topics of academic integrity, grade appeals, and student conduct.
Teams for Education "class"
Screenshots illustrate various features including the home page, adding a tab for an external site (in this example, it is a SharePoint site), a class notebook (collaborative site), and the shared Stream channel. These assets were created in 2022 and 2023. |
Screenshots illustrate various features and design for a SharePoint site for a college center for instructional innovation. These examples include the use of images, embedded H5P components, buttons, and embedded videos. These assets were created in 2022 and 2023. |
These are examples of user documentation I created using Canva. The first TechGuide illustrates the steps to add a screencast to the LMS (Moodle) and the other describes how to use the screencasting app ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-o-matic). They were created in 2023.
Course Design Refresh
Original Course Design (before)
Original course design created by the faculty member consisted of a long single-page scrolling layout, few images, inconsistent formatting, lack of built-in styles, and poor use of the LMS-provided activity & resource options. Note: This Vimeo video is a visual walkthrough (no audio is included). |
Refreshed Course Design (after)
Redesigned course that I created follows latest QM guidelines including clear organization & navigation, use of built-in styles, proper use of the LMS features and options, and visual design elements. Note: This Vimeo video is a visual walkthrough (no audio is included). |
Interactive Content
Here are a couple of examples of H5P assets I created. Just a note that these were created in the LMS of the various institutions and are thus inaccessible to the public. I've embedded copies here using H5P.org in order to share them with you (that's why the blue disclaimer message appears at the top of each). Note that I've included some H5P elements here, as relates to instructional design, and I have others located in other parts of my portfolio (for example, related to faculty development and course content).
Here are a couple of examples of H5P assets I created. Just a note that these were created in the LMS of the various institutions and are thus inaccessible to the public. I've embedded copies here using H5P.org in order to share them with you (that's why the blue disclaimer message appears at the top of each). Note that I've included some H5P elements here, as relates to instructional design, and I have others located in other parts of my portfolio (for example, related to faculty development and course content).
The Speckled Band (image hotspot)
The story of this image hotspot about "The Speckled Band" was so interesting (and unexpected, especially in the roles social media and generative AI played) that I wrote a blog post about it: AI-Assisted Activity Creation. In that post, you can:
- Learn the reason I ended up creating this H5P item
- View the instructions to students for this activity (as well as the follow-up reflection assignment)
- See chatlogs, prompts, and generated responses from both ChatGPT4o and Copilot
- Watch a screencast "demo" of how the H5P looks in my LMS (Moodle 4.1) and the follow-up reflection assignment
- View screenshots of the process, the final result, and how it appears to students.
Background Information
In part of my work in 2022-2023 I created a resource to help our faculty adjust to the changes in our learning management system. We upgraded from Moodle 3.1 to Moodle 3.9. This type of transition might generally occur over a period of several years, but we did it in one summer (between Spring and Fall semester starts). In order to help the faculty become familiar with the changes from what they were used to, to learn about the new features, and to demonstrate some of the 'cool' engagement items they would now have available, I created a resource called "Moodle 3.9 Essentials." The next two H5P items are some of the elements in that resource.
Moodle 3.9 Gradebook Navigation knowledge check (flashcards)
This H5P element serves as a knowledge check for faculty to see if they understand the various aspects of gradebook navigation. These flashcards follow a rather intense module about the Moodle gradebook and I wanted to offer the faculty a way they could determine for themselves if they "got it" or if they needed to either review the content again or ask a question.
Moodle 3.9 Gradebook Terminology activity (dialog cards)
This H5P element serves as a way to provide additional content, in this case, on the topic of gradebook terminology, in a different format than what's used in the rest of the module. As I mentioned above, the module on the Moodle gradebook was quite dense, with elements like video, audio, text, screencasts, images, etc. I utilized H5P elements like this one to present the content in different and more interactive ways.